Wednesday, March 26, 2008

ESL teachers, I have discovered a blog that might interest many of you. It offers weekly culture lesson for ESL students. These weekly lessons include worksheets with teacher's notes and activities based around a recent news article. The activities focus on vocabulary and speaking. Here is its link:
As you will see, the lessons worksheets and topics address themselves to an intermediate/advanced learning level which would be more appropriate for high school student. Enjoy!


Aleinad said...

Hey thanks for the link Mike!
I'll check it out and it better be good! Just kidding...
Échale ganas a tu blog y checas el mio también!

Aleinad said...

Hey Miky puse tu link en mi blog. El mio no es muy popular pero espero que sirva de algo ;)

Miky Boy said...

Thanks for the feed back! I'm happy to hear your appreciation for my blog, I sure your blog is also just has great!

Sara Ann Sexton said...

Hey Mike!
I checked out that website you posted and I must say it's a really great one! I read a few of the activities and the subjects are really interesting and quite accurate, which I thought was nice. In addition, I think that these can engage students in expressing their opinions and maybe even debate them, which is a great thing, because as we all know, it's one thing to know the language, but you have to be able to use it!
I love finding sites like these; they always give really good ideas for all sorts of activities that students are actually interested in!
I will surely keep that link!!